Virtual OV is a Virtual Reality platform developed for neurodivergent persons, such as those with autism, mild intellectual disabilities, or other neurological diversities. The aim of Virtual OV is to prepare them for independent travel using public transportation. Through realistic scenarios and guided training, participants build confidence and develop essential skills.

We increase mobility, promote social inclusion and strengthen executive functions. The result? Independence, quality of life and economic opportunities.

Virtual OV

Who is Virtual OV for?

Virtual OV is specifically developed for neurodivergent people, who are being trained under supervision within educational or care institutions in a safe environment.

However, the value of Virtual OV extends beyond just this target group. Consider, for example, young people who need to be prepared for independent travel using public transportation, older adults who want to maintain their mobility, or asylum seekers who want to familiarize themselves with their new environment.

Virtual OV offers a wide range of possibilities and is for anyone who needs to increase their independence and mobility.



  • Familiarity with Public Transportation
    One of the primary goals of Virtual OV is to enable participants to travel confidently using public transportation. How do we achieve that? Virtual OV simulates everyday travel situations, allowing participants to safely experience them with a VR headset. This enables them to practice unlimitedly and become familiar with public transportation before venturing into the real world.
  • Enhancement of executive functions
    Traveling with public transportation involves more than just following routes. It requires mastering executive functions such as planning, problem-solving, and maintaining attention. Virtual OV contributes to the development of these essential cognitive skills, better preparing participants for successful travel.
  • Promotion of social inclusion
    Another important goal is to promote social inclusion. Virtual OV prepares participants for social interactions in public transportation, increasing their confidence in dealing with fellow passengers and staff. This opens the door to greater social inclusion and participation in society.
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety management
    New situations can trigger anxiety and stress. In Virtual OV, participants become familiar with unexpected situations within public transportation, such as delays or losing their tickets. This prepares them better and boosts their confidence when they actually take the step to travel.

Discover how Virtual OV changes lives

Virtual OV is not just about learning travel skills; it's about empowering people, increasing their self-confidence and creating opportunities for more independence. We prepare participants for real-world travel so they can live lives with greater mobility, freedom and self-confidence.

Discover how Virtual OV can support your organization in achieving these impact goals.

Contact us today and let us help increase the independence of the target group.


From idealism to reality!

The idea of the game originated from idealism and was developed by experts in the field of education and technology. Joke de Haan, teacher in special education and behavioral specialist, is the initiator of this project and closely involved in its development. In addition, prominent public transport companies in the Netherlands have actively contributed to the development of the game.

Our plug & play solution only requires the glasses and the accompanying game. We also offer an on-site training program, where we teach the supervisors how to independently guide participants according to the train-the-trainer principle.

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